01. About SprintMoney

SprintMoneyTM researches & identifies the best suited investment options based on past performance, risk ratios, forward outlook and more to recommend a personalized basket of funds curated specially for its users.

The application recommends curated financial investment solutions to its users based on their profile and preferences.

SprintMoney leadership team is a group of highly experienced members from Banking, Insurance and Finance industry with more than 20 years of experience.

02. Introduction

The , color palette, and typeface are three of the most important elements for identifying its brand. Their consistent use is important for maintaining the brand all over.

This style guide will serve as a SprintMoney design standard reference for an integrated design team involving documentation, development, usability, graphic design, marketing, and other relevant sources.

This user interface style guide will serve as:
  1. A tool for ensuring consistency across a product set,
  2. A branding standard for Marketing and artworks created for that matter,
  3. The repository for design guidelines and standards.
  4. A training aid for new members of the product team.

This style guide is a live document which will be updated as and when there are modifications in branding UI standards.

04. Color Palette

Primary Colors

The Primary Palette should be used in all occassions for SprintMoney marketing communications. The palette has been designed to give a bold and exciting direction to the brand, offering flexibility in the design of an literature off and online. Percentage tints can be used of any of these colours.


Hex#23DB7B RGB35,219,123 CMYK84,0,44,14


Hex#6C63FF RGB108,99,255 CMYK58,61,0,0


Hex#64DBFF RGB100,219,255 CMYK61,14,0,0


Hex#3C3E42 RGB60,62,66 CMYK9,6,0,74

Shades of grey

A selection of grayscale colors for background or text color use.


Hex#3C3E42 RGB60,62,66 CMYK9,6,0,74


Hex#7B7B9D RGB123,123,157 CMYK22,22,0,38


Hex#ACB4BF RGB172,180,191 CMYK10,6,0,25


Hex#D1D6DD RGB209,214,221 CMYK5,3,0,13


Hex#FFFFFF RGB255,255,255 CMYK0,0,0,0

05. Typography

Roboto should be used for all header, sub header text and other copy (body, quotes etc). To ensure a consistent look, make sure fonts are used in a consistent manner and the weights of the font have been considered, using heavier weights for headers and the highlight key messages.

Listed font family should be used for all communications to ensure the consistent look and feel of all literature offline and online.

Font Family:Roboto

Light Regular Medium Bold







Web Styles
Font Family: Roboto, 32px, Medium

Page Title H1

Font Family: Roboto, 28px, Regular

Section Title h2

Font Family: Roboto, 24px, Regular

Section SubTitle h3

Font Family: Roboto, 20px, Medium

Sub Section Heading h4

Font Family: Roboto, 18px, Medium
common text h5
Font Family: Roboto, 18px, Medium
common text h5
Font Family: Roboto, 18px, Light
common text h6
Subtitle 1
Font Family: Roboto, 16px, Medium

common text Subtitle 1

Subtitle 2
Font Family: Roboto, 15px, Regular

common text Subtitle 2

Subtitle 3
Font Family: Roboto, 14px, Medium

common text Subtitle 3

Body 1
Font family: "Roboto", 12px, Regular, 18px line-spacing

SprintBrains AI engine has selected the following Smart Combo of Mutual Funds and Term Life Insurance best suited for you

Body 2
Font family: "Roboto", 10px, Regular, 14px line-spacing

Builds wealth for your family even when you’re not around.

Font family: "Roboto", 10px, Regular

common text caption

Font family: "Roboto", 10px, Bold, Letter Spacing 0.75px

common text overline

Text Link
Font family: "Roboto", 16px, Medium

06. User Flow

User Flow diagram gave us clarity and helped us in defining how the user is going to navigate throughout the app and what actions will be performed on each screen/interface.

View User Flow

07. Wireframes

Wireframe sketches were created to explore possible layouts, comparing various UI elements for representing the content/data and defining the content needs.

View Wireframes

08. UI Components

UI Components are the reusable building blocks of our design system. Each component meets a specific interaction or UI need, and has been specifically created to work together to create patterns and intuitive user experiences.


09. Illustrations & Icons


Illustrations help convey complex ideas in a simple way. They should be meaningful and reflect a user's context and emotional state.

Our illustrations range from detailed hero images down to in-product spot images with a consistent narrative of practicality, optimism, and friendliness used throughout. This is accomplished through shape, color, softness, and curves to achieve an inviting, engaging experience.


Icons should be used in a purposeful manner to maximize comprehension and reduce cognitive load when you need to call attention to a particular action, command, or section. Use them infrequently – if you’re questioning an icon’s use, it probably doesn’t need to be used at all.

Our icons are designed with our brand personality baked in, aiming to balance our human side with function.

10. UI Screens