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Remote – Office not required by 37Signals

List of our favorite books has a new entry – “Remote” from founders of 37Signals.com. It is easily one of the most important books we have read this year.

Once again it gives us completely a new dimension to run our company. We already have people working remotely for us since few years (by chance and not by encouragement). The experience has been a mixed bag for us. May be we were doing it wrong. Though some of our efforts do get validated by this books but we can do much better.

We are going to encourage even more “Remote” working from here on. If you are a Digicorp team member and want to work remotely, let us know today! 🙂


Abhishek is co-founder of Digicorp and founder of CricHeroes. CricHeroes is an India-first Mobile-first platform organising the vast sector of Indian Local Cricket. It bridges the gap between passionate amateur cricketers and international cricketers with the help of technology.

  • Posted on November 13, 2013

Abhishek is co-founder of Digicorp and founder of CricHeroes. CricHeroes is an India-first Mobile-first platform organising the vast sector of Indian Local Cricket. It bridges the gap between passionate amateur cricketers and international cricketers with the help of technology.

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