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Keep Walking Digicorp16th January 2016 was a very significant day for Digicorp. Digicorp turned twelve years old on that day! I can’t believe it has been 12 long years already. Time sure flies. If you are interested in knowing how Digicorp was born on 16th January 2004 and our journey of first decade, here is a beautiful video for you.
When we started, we did not know how to run a business or how to grow it. We simply started working on it. Initially we were disorganised and not focused. However, we loved every bits ‘n pieces of doing it. Be it getting our first customer, developing first product for our customer (and refactoring it later), providing customer service, learning new technologies, late night coding, playing games during lunch break, hoisting our flag every morning (and lowering it in the evening) on office terrace, etc. Gosh, we even slept in the office numerous times!
In past 12 years, we have done so many things. We have worked with some awesome startups and small businesses. We have worked on some great projects and have created some successful apps. We tried our hands at creating our own products and failed (but we haven’t stopped doing that!). We have created a good culture. We have some great customers…..The list is long.
There were lots of ups and downs (umm…more downs than ups, I guess) but we are far better today than we were 12 years ago and that’s because WE KEPT WALKING.
When somebody asked Jessica Livingston (co-founder of Y Combinator and author of Founders at Work) to talk about all the different ways a start-up can fail, instead of usual stuff around lessons learned from successful people, she said
“That would be boring, They all fail for the same reason: People just stop working on their business.”
And we don’t want to be one of those startups. We know this is not the end. There’s far to go (we might not even know how far is “far”, maybe 100 years!) and our birthday reminds us to keep walking.
But we couldn’t have been here without you! Our employees, customers, friends, family members and well wishers. Thank you for getting us here. Stay tuned and more importantly, stay around!
Sanket Patel
- Posted on January 18, 2016